Balustrade components are useful for repairs or restoration of existing balustrade. They also comprise the kit from balustrade option.
Select from the standard range below or request a Custom Quote or Made to Match components.
Style: outline

Motif A
90 x 19 x 900

Motif B
90 x 19 x 900mm

Motif C
90 x 19 x 900mm

Motif D
90 x 19 x 900mm

Motif E
90 x 19 x 900mm

Motif F
90 x 19 x 900mm

Motif G
90 x 19 x 900mm

BS04 Slat
42 x 19 x 900mm

BS-05 Turned
42 x 42 x 900mm

BS-06 Square
42 x 42 x 900mm

HR1 Small handrail
42mmH x 65W

HR2 Large handrail
85Hx 65mmW

42H x 65W

19 x 12mm
